Nov 26, 2023
Photo by Erick Butler on Unsplash
In this article, we'll explore the world of dropwizard, from what it is and understanding each of its component, to building a simple web service in IntelliJ IDEA .
It further provides features such as configuration, logging, validation, and health checks that make it easy for the developer to develop, test and deploy their applications in no time.
Let's first breakdown the dropwizard into four components:
Our Wizard fighting complex frameworks
As mentioned above, we'll be using IntelliJ IDEA to build our dropwizard application. It makes our life a lot easier because we don't have to manually go and take care of Maven or Java. It's a simple dropdown experience, we specify the name of the project: Dropwizard, the JDK we are going to use: Java 21 and the dropwizard archetype.
IntelliJ IDEA
New Project
We are going to add a dropwizard archetype by clicking on add, and fill on the following details:
Selecting Dropwizard Archetype
1GroupId: io.dropwizard.archetypes
2ArtifactId: java-simple
3Version: 4.0.0
In additional properties, we can change the name and description to anything as per our liking and leave other properties as defaults and click on create. This will create a boilerplate for our application with all the classes that we talked about.
Following is the project structure that this archetype provided. A few of the directories are not needed such as api, client, core, and db at this moment, so we can safely delete them.
Please Note: you can find all the following code on my github repo: Github (ConfusedConsciousness)
Since we are working with the dropwizard application, it would make sense to create a RESTful endpoint that greets us with Hello World, what do you say?
Say after running our application, if we go to the /greet endpoint, we should get a "Hello World" response.
Also, to make our life a bit easier I am going to make use of Lombok to create getters and setters for us, this way we don't have to manually create them. All we'll need is to annotate the class with@Data annotation.
Let's go to our POM and add the following dependency.
1<!-- <> -->
3 <groupId>org.projectlombok</groupId>
4 <artifactId>lombok</artifactId>
5 <version>1.18.30</version>
6 <scope>provided</scope>
Before running our application, we'll need to create a config file (YAML), let's call it local.yml. Notice, that I have deleted the unnecessary directories and created a config directory and placed the yml file there.
Let's work with the content of the Yaml. I am thinking of putting a default greeting there. The content of this file is parsed and deserialized onto our file.
1defaultGreeting: Hello
We'll need to modify our file to take that into account.
4@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = true)
5public class Configuration extends io.dropwizard.core.Configuration {
6 public String defaultGreeting;
Notice, that I have added @Data annotation for getters and setters and have also added annotations for constructors. This will be used by jackson for mapping the content of yaml to this configuration object.
Having done, that let's try to run our application. To do that we'll have to click on Edit configuration to take this local.yml file when the app starts.
Edit Configuration
In program arguments we have to provide the path to our local.yml file prefixed with server. Having done that click on Apply and then OK.
1server /path/to/local.yml
Edit Configuration
Now when you click on run, you'll get a bunch of logs in your terminal.
Terminal O/P
This means we have setup our project correctly. If you notice the content of the terminal you'll see that our server has started on port0.0.0.0:8080. Let's head over to it and check what happens.
We'll see 404, because of course, we haven't mapped our resources yet.
As mentioned earlier, our main goal is to get "Hello World" if we go to localhost:8080/greet. But if we try that we'll again get 404. So let's fix that.
We'll create a resource class called and put that in our resource's directory.
3public class HelloWorld {
4 @GET
5 @Path("/greet")
6 public String hello() {
7 return "Hello World!";
8 }
As you can see, we have created a method called hello() that returns "Hello World" message whenever someone comes to /greet endpoint. Also we have marked that with @GET HTTP method.
If we run the application now, we should be able to get the greeting right? No!
If you check the logs, you'll see that our resource has not been configured yet with jersey. We'll have to do that in our main class called
Terminal O/P
1package org.example;
3import io.dropwizard.core.Application;
4import io.dropwizard.core.setup.Bootstrap;
5import io.dropwizard.core.setup.Environment;
6import org.example.resources.HelloWorld;
8public class App extends Application<Configuration> {
10 public static void main(final String[] args) throws Exception {
11 new App().run(args);
12 }
14 @Override
15 public String getName() {
16 return "true";
17 }
19 @Override
20 public void initialize(final Bootstrap<Configuration> bootstrap) {
21 // TODO: application initialization
22 }
24 @Override
25 public void run(final Configuration configuration,
26 final Environment environment) {
27 // register resources
28 HelloWorld helloWorld = new HelloWorld();
29 environment.jersey().register(helloWorld);
30 }
Now, if we run our application and check the logs, we'll see our resource class is registered.
Terminal O/P
Let's head over to /greet and see for ourselves. We'll be greeted with "Hello World"
Great! But one thing is missing. If you check the logs, you'll get a big warning that the application has no healthchecks. Let's get rid of it by providing a healthcheck.
Since our application is a trivial hello world, there won't be an issue with not providing a healthcheck. But for the completion of this article, we'll create a basic health check.
We'll create a class in our healthcheck directory. This class will extend the Dropwizards HealthCheck class and implement the check method.
4public class BasicHealthCheck extends HealthCheck {
5 @Override
6 protected Result check() throws Exception {
7 return Result.healthy();
8 }
Notice, it always return the result as Healthy. If you want to put some additional check you can add that in the check() method.
After that, we'll need to register our basic healthcheck in our main class
2public void run(final Configuration configuration,
3 final Environment environment) {
4 // register resources
5 HelloWorld helloWorld = new HelloWorld();
6 environment.jersey().register(helloWorld);
7 // register health check
8 BasicHealthCheck basicHealthCheck = new BasicHealthCheck();
9 environment.healthChecks().register("basic", basicHealthCheck);
Now if you run your application it will not complain about the healthcheck anymore.
Vert.x is called a "Polyglot" toolkit because it supports multiple programming languages and paradigms
Congratulations on setting up your first dropwizard application and creating a hello world program. I hope this article proved to be worthy of your time. Thanks a lot.
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